As an event planner, every "change/addition" seems like an "emergency." It is ironically, in these moments, when I feel my strongest. It is easy to dream up a fairy-tale event that goes smoothly, but it takes a special personality to handle being 40 short of something 12 hours before the doors open. Oh, and did I mention that the 40 need to EXACTLY match something else? Not everyone can handle this type of "emergency." There is no pill for it (or, at least not one that I have found). There is no miracle cure for it. It is truly in these moments when I know that this is the job for me.
So, call 911? Nope. Just call us...with black bag and cell phone in hand, we are prepared to deal with every "emergency." (Well, there might be a small flask in the bag, but who's looking??)
Okay...gotta run! I am still 40 short for tomorrow! @#$%!!
So . . . you deal with those frustrating issues while the client enjoys the function. Sounds fabulous!